September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn’t just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great smile. As new research develops, we see a rise in... read more »
Our team strongly encourages everyone to floss daily, but do you ever wonder why? Well, flossing is vital for top-notch oral health and smiles. It can help you and your oral health in more ways than you might realize. This means that if you forget to floss, your smile can also suffer. Forgetting to floss can: – Leave your smile... read more »
If you have ever suffered dental damage, or believe that you have had a crack in your tooth enamel, it is important to have it repaired immediately. If left untreated, bacteria can seep through the crack and infect the tooth. Ultimately this will result in a damaged pulp and potential tooth loss. However, it is possible to save a tooth... read more »