What’s louder than an elephant for one minute and as quiet as a mouse the next minute? (Parents should understand this one!) It’s a newborn baby! If you like the mouse-like kind of newborn, there are a few techniques you should be aware of regarding dental health habits for your children. Utilize the suggestions below to help your little one keep solid oral health, and come see us for a visit to our office so that we can give them the treatment they deserve.
Perhaps the most impactful thing you can do is to start them on a tooth-friendly diet. Instead of sodas, juices, potato chips and candies, allow fresh vegetables and whole grains. As they progress, they’ll begin to choose these foods of their own accord, and their dental health will be much healthier for it.
Train your child to drink from a regular cup by the time they’ve turned one. Extended use of baby cups and sippy cups can damage the alignment of the teeth and could necessitate professional surgery to fix.
Finally, ensure you’re assisting your child to brush their teeth. If they’re under two years old, talk to us about whether using toothpaste is right for them. If they’re old enough to brush their teeth on their own, supervise them to make sure they’re brushing for the full two minutes and that they’re not swallowing the toothpaste.
Please phone Adkins Dentistry at 252-633-2876 now to plan your New Bern, North Carolina, appointment with Dr. Bradley Adkins.