As the years linger on, so too do numerous opportunities to drastically improve your smile. If you are ready to finally take the leap with optimal oral health and oral health care restorations and treatments, look no further than the aesthetic benefits that cosmetic dentistry procedures can provide. When the time comes to turn your smile into a masterpiece, you will want to turn to a cosmetic dentistry enhancement. They are extremely effective at taking even the most damaged of smiles and completely reversing and restoring them to levels that were previously thought to be unobtainable. For additional oral health care treatments and learning more about individual cosmetic dentistry treatments, see the list below:
If you need a dental restoration that can improve the look of your smile and protect your teeth, then dental crowns are a highly effective treatment option to consider.
Dental veneers can cover up the front of teeth and improve the look of your smile.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, visit your dentist for a tooth whitening treatment upgrade.
Replacing missing teeth with a tooth prosthetic such as dental implants can greatly enhance the oral health status of your smile.
Missing teeth are no longer a worry as dental bridges can be used to fill in gaps in your smile with a permanent tooth prosthetic.
The best smiles are complete smiles, so fill out your dental profile with a tooth replacement prosthetic such as dentures.
When the going gets tough, the tough get cosmetic dentistry treatments. Your smile depends on cosmetic dentistry treatments if you truly want to climb to the top of the oral health care ladder. If you want to experience the joys of cosmetic dentistry treatments at Adkins Dentistry, simply call Dr. Bradley Adkins and our team at 252-633-2876 to schedule an appointment at our dentist office in New Bern, North Carolina.