Minor physical imperfections and dental stains on the front of your teeth can leave you with an unappealing and sometimes dark smile. When your teeth have one of these dental problems, you should consider dental veneers to fix your smile! Dr. Bradley Adkins and our dental professionals want to help you have your best and brightest smile!
One of the first steps you need to take is scheduling a cosmetic dental consultation with our dental professionals here at Adkins Dentistry. During the appointment, your dentist will assess your imperfections and the severity of each tooth. They will then develop a plan for enhancing or improving your smile’s appearance, and in many of these cases, the most effective and lasting solution is to have your dentist install dental veneers.
These are made of porcelain material and are shaded to match your tooth enamel color as well as shaped to match your smile’s teeth. Because of its durability and material, it will also be resistant to future dental stains. This will make it much easier to maintain your white smile between visits to your dentist’s office for biannual exams.
If one of your teeth suffers from a cavity, an old dental filling, or a more significant physical defect, your dentist might recommend restoring the entire tooth enamel layer with a porcelain dental crown if needed. If you live in the New Bern, North Carolina, area and you are interested in improving your smile with dental veneers, call 252-633-2876 today to schedule an appointment or consultation at Adkins Dentistry.